Making money from searching the web may sound like a scam but that’s not the case. There are legit ways to earn online by simply surfing the internet, like what you did right now! Then why not earn money from the things you are doing already?

Searching The Web

The companies pay you for evaluating the search results and providing them with consumer data which is extremely important for them. This can be an ideal side hustle for those looking to earn some extra cash or want a less time-consuming job – not very tricky. It requires a little effort and patience to research about those companies and understand how each one works. In this article, I will help you choose some credible companies that will pay you for searching the web. Let’s start with the 10 proven ways to get paid for searching. Check these out!

    1. Swagbucks

      Swagbucks is a popular loyalty program-based site that gives you a chance to make money by completing your everyday activities online. One of them is searching the web. All you need is to use Swagbucks search engine while performing this task. This won’t affect the search results but you will get the same result as other search engines. Moreover, earn SB points for every search that you can easily redeem.

      How Much Can You Earn: Every Swagbucks point is typically $10 for each 1000 points. You can earn up to $10,000 which requires a lot of hard work but is earned by some users.

      Payment method: Swagbucks offers you Amazon, Payoneer and many other gift vouchers in exchange of your SB points. Visit reward store to find out more.

    2. Qmee

      Qmee is a platform which offers surveys as well as the ability to search through them. It has bit different procedure than others to get paid. Here the relevant results based on your history in from of ads are shown on the left side of the screen while you are surfing. Subsequently, a click on that ad will earn you a little money or rewards.

      How Much Can You Earn: You can benefit from no minimum cash out on your earning. Realistically, the lowest survey on Qmee pay around is $2 per hour. It varies with every survey.

      Payment method: There is an option of PayPal and gift cards.

    3. Microsoft Rewards

      Microsoft Rewards can also help you make money as it allows user to earn points by using their search engine. Bing is owned by Microsoft which you may have used before. Originally, it was thought to give google a tough time but it failed. You need to add up your Microsoft account in background and start searching on Bing to boost your points.

      How Much Can You Earn: Microsoft reward initially gives $5 for 5,000 points. The earning mostly depends on your level. Maximum you can earn up to 18000 points a month.

      Payment method: You have the choice of non-profit donations or redeem the points into gift cards.

    4. Brave

      Brave is a browser just like Google that allows you searching the web using their search engine.There are some harmful sites which track your online data, though the main target of brave is to respect users privacy and prevent online tracking. Why waste your time on other browsers, when you can earn Brave rewards for the same efforts? Subsequently, you are not supposed to do anything complicated. All it needs is to install their browser and use it for every search to earn crypto currency.

      How Much Can You Earn: You are awarded with crypto for every search. An average income of around $6 to 7 a month was recorded. It does depend on the BAT you collect in that particular month.

      Payment method: Turn the crypto present in your wallet in whatever currency, you want to withdraw the amount.

    5. InboxDollars

      InboxDollars is a leading rewards web that gives you the opportunity to earn rewards by using their search engine for your results. The results are a bit similar to Bing due to the partnership between both. The best part is you can get a chance to earn a scratch card for every four searches. The scratch card is full of prizes and cash. Use it more so you will get more entries. And a greater chance to earn. Once you have crossed the minimum payout, request to redeem your balance quickly.

      How Much Can You Earn: It varies day to day. You might end up getting a scratch card worth $5 or a few cents per day.

      Payment method: offers Paypal cash rewards as well a facility of check and gift cards.

    6. iRazoo

      iRazoo is a reward platform which has many exciting offers and variety of tasks to earn points. Each day you can earn more points by using their search engine as you are searching the web instead of Google. Their browser is mainly partnered with Yahoo’s search algorithm so offers the same results. You get points per day for every search but this doesn’t allow you to get unlimited points. Hence, the upper limit is 25 points a day. Inactivity of 60 days can be a handicap which leads to points expiry present in the wallet.

      How Much Can You Earn: The points depend upon your activity solely. You can get chance to earn between 1-25 points per day which are awarded completely randomly. 100 points are equal to 16 cents only.

      Payment method: You can exchange points with different vouchers. The most preferred one is PayPazl cards.

    7. instaGC

      InstaGC is a popular site among the online platform that pays you for completing easy tasks available on the site. Search the internet using their browser extension and get paid with the rewards. Though it doesn’t guarantee points for every search but you do get for most of them. However, from the experience of other users they reward you one point for every 10 searches. The offers do get updated every day.

      How Much Can You Earn: Rewards you with points where 100 points are worth $1. The points are not capped and totally depends on the time you invest.

      Payment method: There are variety of options to choose from. You can select direct transfer to PayPal or redeem the points with lots of gift cards available.

So what do you think about getting paid for searching the web?

While all these options may not be sufficient enough to be a full-time income but you can make a great side income. Most of the tasks are easy to do and less time consuming. Definitely, a better deal to start getting paid for what you have been doing already.

Looking for other ways to make money online? Read the Top 3 Proven Ways To Make Money Online in Dubai

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