Spending money on your car’s insurance is somewhat of a smart investment. Although it feels like an unwanted financial burden, it saves you from unforeseen expenses in wake of emergencies. Picking a suitable package helps safeguard your vehicle and aids in saving money that is otherwise spent on exorbitant insurance installments.

For citizens and residents of the UAE, it is mandatory to have insurance coverage for all kinds of vehicles but still, a huge portion of the population thinks of it as an unnecessary expense. However, the significance of good car insurance is realized only when your vehicle gets in some sort of accident on the road. While some plans and packages are quite expensive, there are still a lot of ways to keep the costs within a limit and save a considerable amount of money. Here we will bring you smart workable ways and Beema’s attractive car insurance schemes to help you save a good deal of money on your annual premiums.

Research Well Before you Sign-up for a Car Insurance

Do not buy impulsively. There are tons of options that would pop up when you do a google search. Compare different policies and see what works well for you, your car, and your pocket.

Register for Essential add-ons only

All car insurance policies that you would come across will have a lot of add-ons and extras. These are perks and rewards that you can earn as part of the basic plan. Go through the plan and see which add-ons are must-haves. Many companies charge huge sums of money for extra benefits that might result in outrageous total costs. Read the policy well and sign up for features that you deem necessary for your personal needs.

Determine the Type of Driver for your Vehicle

The cost of your car insurance is indirectly proportionate to the type of driver who will ride in your car. Car drivers who are below the age of 25 generally have to pay more. On the other hand, experienced drivers have vast expertise and are less likely to get into road accidents and traffic violations.
Also, a driver with poor driving history can result in higher insurance bills. To keep the costs at a minimum, let a family member over the age of 25 years drive your car who does not have a shady record with no previous insurance claims.

Consider the No-claim Feature

Many insurance companies reward holders who haven’t made any claims in previous years. The benefits may include discounts, cashback, or other monetary rewards. Check if the policy you want to sign up for is offering any such benefit for insurance holders. Bear in mind you have to drive safely and be cautious while on the road.

The Safer your Car, the Lower the Cost of the Premium

Vehicles equipped with advanced features usually result in lower insurance costs. You can sign up for cheap car insurance in Dubai if your car is furnished with the latest technology features that guarantee the utmost safety while on the road. Security locks and devices keep the vehicle safe and prevent the car from significant damage.

Avoid Automatic Renewal of Your Car Insurance

A lot of drivers in UAE let their vehicle insurance policies get automatically renewed. You never know what can happen during a year. You may across better plans and schemes that can help save you more money.
You can ask your insurance provider to provide you with a new insurance premium when your current policy ends. The company, based on your driver behavior can provide you with additional benefits and if not you will be free to sign up for a new and improvised car insurance plan.

Go for High Deductible Costs

A deductible cost is a predetermined amount that an insurance holder has to pay when they claim for a car repair. All the other expenses are covered by the insurance provider.
You can choose the deductible amount that deems fit for your pocket. Bear in mind that a high proportion means the total cost of car insurance will be low. This is the best possible method to get affordable car insurance in UAE. Avoid accidents and you will benefit in the longer run.

However, in case of accidents, you will have to pay heavy costs for car repairs that might leave your bank account drained.

Register online

While insurance plans can be purchased through different channels, the most seamless and affordable of all ways is to buy online. Signing up online will help save time and obtain an affordable car insurance plan. Online policies usually have additional sales and offers for consumers that are otherwise not available in brick-and-mortar stores.

One such online car insurance provider in Dubai that we vouch for is Beema With its affordable yet smart scheme, you can save a lot of money on your yearly insurance expense.

The Pay per Kilometer Scheme

The Pay per Kilometer package provides you with incredible insurance with rewards and cashback depending on your vehicle’s mileage. It’s a simple, seamless, and quick online procedure that you can finish off in minutes. Enjoy a fair policy coupled with exquisite rewards that you would rarely find elsewhere.

The company works with a simple goal. The aim is to provide the masses in Dubai with personalized car insurance schemes that would help save on expenses. Exclusive add-on features at no additional cost make the package all the more attractive. It’s an ideal plan for those who drive less. Unlike other policies, here you will pay less if your car spent less time on the road the whole year. The total cost of the premium will be based on the annual mileage. The less you drive the more the rewards. Insurance holders will be eligible for cashback and rewards even if they file for a claim.

How does it work?
• Send a picture of your vehicle’s mileage reading at the commencement of the policy.
• Snap and send a picture of your car’s mileage when the policy is near expiry.
• Earn up to 25% cashback depending on the number of kilometers your car drove during the entire year.
• In this plan, the insurance premium changes according to the vehicle mileage. If you travel less than 20k kilometers during the entire year you will get 25% of the total amount paid as cashback.
• The cashback earned can be deposited into your bank account or you can use it as an upfront cost to save money on car insurance for the upcoming year.
• No trackers or devices are required.
• Cars driving more than 20k km won’t be charged any extra.

How exciting is that? Hold on, there is a lot more to be unveiled.

Smart Driver Plan

Another attractive package that Beema offers to the dwellers in Dubai and other emirates is Smart Driver.
Rash drivers are slapped with exorbitant fines by the UAE traffic department. However, if you drive cautiously, you can receive rewards and incredible benefits. This is what Smart Driver Package is all about.
It’s an ideal insurance package curated for those who drive more than 20k kilometers per year. Professional and experienced drivers who exhibit responsible behavior while on the roads are awarded perks and benefits that help them save costs on their yearly car insurance plans.
• To begin with, download Beema’s app on your mobile device.
• Allow the location and behavioral permissions when prompted on the device.
• The app will scrutinize the car’s speed and a driving score will be presented to you after the completion of each ride.
• Depending on your annual driving score the company will reward you with discounts and benefits.
However, this scheme cannot be purchased along with the Pay per Kilometer plan.
A driving score is calculated keeping in view three criteria including how smooth you drive, how well you adhere to speed limits on the road, and the frequency of using a mobile phone while driving.
Beema launched the plan to foster safer driving practices and reinforce smooth and cautious driving on the road. It’s a one of its kind car insurance scheme in UAE where the driver would earn rewards for exhibiting smooth and secure driving behavior on the road.

Final Word
While car insurance premiums’ exorbitant costs can put you off, these schemes are essential for protection against damage, accidents, and liabilities. The tips and ways shared in this blog post are to help you cut the annual costs down to more affordable sums of money that you can easily bare. Research well, weigh the pros and cons of different plans, and keep in mind your budget and preferences when signing up for any specific insurance schemes for your vehicle.

All the suggestions and recommendations made in this blog post are for informative purposes only.


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